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I picked up my JK and have built it into a dual purpose daily driver/offroader with a 3.25” Rough Country Lift and some 35” shoes. I love being able to drive with the top down both on and offroad, and having a comfortable modern interior is awesome! I do take pride in keeping her clean since this is the first new vehicle I’ve ever owned, and want to make sure I keep the bold orange paint shining! It is also amazing to see my Jeep on the site throughout the day while I work! In the long-term, I hope to go with a long arm lift in the future on this JK, but for now I like how it handles on and offroad.
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My dad would always take me trail riding in the Pine Barrens as a kid when I lived in South Jersey, so I’ve always been into four wheel drive trucks and Jeeps. When the time came for me to get a vehicle, I picked up an old Cherokee. I still have that old Jeep strictly for offroading, but after a few years it was time to upgrade.