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Best Jeep Bikini Tops

XT Staff

XT Staff

 / Feb 14 2020

2001 Wrangler with TruShield BIkini Top

Table of Contents
  1. What is a Jeep Bikini Top?
  2. Variations of the Bikini Top

What is a Jeep Bikini Top?

A Jeep bikini top is a soft top that covers the roof of your Jeep but leaves the sides open, giving you a somewhat shielded open air experience. Pair this with tube doors or no doors, for a nicely shaded off-roading trip. Bikini tops are mainly for protecting against light showers and intense sun. If you’re in an area where trees are sparse, having your own personal patch of shade helps prevent sun burn and keeps you cooler. The detriment to these types of tops is rocks and heavy rain can splash over the sides of your Jeep, but the risks are the same if you decide to go door-less anyway. These tops are best for desert and beach riding but are perfectly enjoyable on a woodland camping trip.

Variations of the Bikini Top

When shopping for a bikini top the first question to ask will you be riding with passengers (4-door rear passengers)? If not, then you can elect for a bikini top that only covers the front half of your Jeep. If you have a duffel bag or the like in the rear, however, it might be worth considering the full bikini cover anyway. Be careful because some bikini tops for 4-door Jeeps only cover the passengers and not the cargo area as well. Secondly, the best Jeep bikini tops can deal with both sun and rain, but you might not care about rainy days. There are mesh bikini tops that are great for acting as an overhead sunshade, but the perforations won’t do much for rain. The last difference between bikini tops is strapless vs straps. This merely marks a difference in installation.